Hello Smash Fans! I hope that you all are having an amazing day so far. Today I want to give you all an update on some upcoming events for the blog and what’s gonna be happening over the next few weeks.
First up, I have some exciting news: next week I will be going to Las Vegas and attending summer league. There I will hopefully be able to not only analyze the games, but I also may have the chance to go behind the scenes and interview players after games.
Secondly, in the next couple weeks I am going to be revamping the blog as well as updating the podcast intro song and podcast affects. This one includes more links, email notifications, and much much more.
Thirdly, as we close in on one year of this podcast being live, I am preparing for a one year special that is going to be filled with surprises. I cannot wait to show you all. It’s going to be spectacular!
Thank you Smash Fans for sticking with me until the end. If you want to talk about this topic or any other topic sports-related, please email me or text me using the information on the contact page. If you want to support me even more, please consider following my Spotify as well as subscribing to my youtube channel and blog for weekly podcasts and articles. Until next time, PD Smash signing off.